

Electroneum (ETN)

Rate in usd

$ 0.0024901057849376 (-0.31%)

ETN (-0.31%)
$ 0.002263
$ 44.77 M
$ 0.002602
ETN 17,979,817,604.6

Electroneum launched in 2017 via ICO. It’s a cryptocurrency that was created for use in online gambling and mobile gaming, designed to be easy-to-use thanks to a mobile app that combines coin mining and wallet management.

Electroneum is a step up from the old days when cryptos used to be a fringe hobby for people who were in love with all things technology. Back then, users were in the minority, and they were pretty much the only people who understood how digital currencies work, but the high-profile ups and downs of bitcoin’s price have lured in a whole new audience of appreciators and adopters.

The upshot of all this interest is that the cryptocurrency market is now an exciting place for investors. Despite its many and severe ups and downs, Bitcoin has continued to maintain a great deal of its former value even though alternative coins have cropped up seemingly every day. Perhaps the main thing that hasn’t changed in the world of cryptocurrencies though is the difficulty that newcomers experience in getting hold of and trading these assets, not to mention spending them anywhere.

Electroneum is the first cryptocurrency developed in the UK, and it’s bringing something interesting to the market. It’s got its own blockchain and it’s been designed with mobile in mind. And not only that, it addresses the problems that go with finding and using cryptos, thanks to a mobile app designed for easy mining and management. It’s incredibly easy to manage and even mine using the mobile app, which makes Electronium that rarest of things—a cryptocurrency you can actually use.

Electroneum’s coin cap stands at 21 billion, which is a hundred times more than bitcoin’s. That’s important because if you try to buy something with bitcoin, you’ll be dealing with an awful lot of decimal places. There are so many Electroneum in circulation that the number need to buy something would be much closer to a ‘real money’ figure. It sounds like a small consideration but making it easier to use makes it more acceptable for consumers.

Electroneum’s founder, Richard Ellis commented that it’s incredibly difficult to buy things using bitcoin, and this is what spurred him on to create a cryptocurrency that’s as easy-to-use as regular money. “We’ve developed Electroneum with the ordinary mobile user in mind,” he said.

For investors, Electroneum represents an interesting speculation opportunity. During the first half of 2016, the average return on investment for 100 new coins was 357%, and Electroneum’s inherent ease-of-use makes it anything but average.

It was also created by a close knit and highly focused group of British developers, which makes it less likely to be prone to the kind of upheavals and internal battles that have plagued other coins.